دار النشر scopus
سنة النشر 2021

Studying Polymorphism Of Toll-Like Receptor-6 And HADV7 In Childhoodwith Acute Respiratory Tract Infections

رقيه منذر جليل عوض
دار النشر scimago
سنة النشر 2021

The study of serum ferritin level as a predictor of growth retardation in Thalassemia-major

هاله سعد محمدعلي
دار النشر Thomson Reuters
سنة النشر 2021

Survey of the Effects of Ivy Leave Dry Extract and Bromhexine for Management of Cough and Shortness of Breath in COVID-19 Infected Patients

هاله سعد محمدعلي
دار النشر scopus
سنة النشر 2021

Survey of the Effects of Ivy Leave Dry Extract and Bromhexine for Management of Cough and Shortness of Breath in COVID-19 Infected Patients

هاجر كريم عبد الحسين
دار النشر scopus
سنة النشر 2021

Assessing the possible impact of patient’s demographic data on coronavirus symptoms

هاجر كريم عبد الحسين